Broker Resources

Broker Success is Stellar Success

One of Stellar MLS’s core values is ensuring the success of our brokers. We look to constantly learn about your pain points and offer the best solutions to help you thrive in a rapidly changing industry. That's why all of these tools are included with your Stellar MLS subscription.

We are also committed to empowering our brokers to maximize the use of these tools, and put together a variety of programs and resources to engage our broker community.

Broker On-Demand Training

These videos walk brokers through key steps to configure various MLS settings for their office, and to oversee their agents' use of MLS tools.

Broker Tools Videos

We've created the below resources for you that cover essential steps to get your office and agent branding set up, a checklist your new agents can use now to give their business a lift, and a quick guide on managing MLS access levels for your office.

Setting Up Office & Agent Branding New Agent Checklist Managing Access Levels for Your Office Teams Management Broker Guide

Office Suspension

Stellar MLS is implementing a process update regarding broker responsibility for unpaid invoices. Starting June 12, 2024, office suspension will now occur year-round if members in your office fail to pay outstanding invoices and remain on your office roster. Brokers must also complete MLS education requirements and settle their own invoices.

  • Why is Stellar MLS updating this process?

    Stellar MLS Brokers have always been responsible for unpaid invoices of members from their office. At the end of each annual billing period, offices with unpaid invoices have faced suspension. This was previously a highly manual process, with limited communications to you, our brokers. The improved update increases our ability to communicate your office members’ standings, your broker account status, and your office status. 

    As a broker, you will now receive weekly communications if your office is at risk of MLS suspension. You will have 35 days from your first office suspension notice to resolve outstanding issues in your office to avoid MLS suspension. In addition to this, prior to full office suspension we have added an intermediate step, where the office’s Add/Edit access will be suspended first. From an office’s Add/Edit suspension date you will have 7 days to avoid full MLS suspension. 

  • What is Stellar MLS’s updated process regarding broker responsibility for agent’s unpaid invoices?

    You can view Stellar MLS's updated policy regarding broker responsibility by clicking here.  

  • What if one of my associates does not want to or is unable to renew their MLS subscription?

    Brokers of Stellar MLS agree to submit required listings from their office into Stellar MLS’s system. Therefore, all licensed sales and broker associates who belong to a Stellar MLS office must keep their accounts in good standing. However, if a broker runs a separate Limited-Service Referral Office that does not belong to a REALTOR association or MLS, the broker can move an unpaid associate to that office. 

  • Will I receive an email notice ahead of time that my office is at risk of MLS suspension?

    Yes. Brokers will receive a weekly email 35 days before their office’s projected suspension date, if the office is at risk of suspension due to an overdue invoice or unmet education requirements. 

  • How do I ensure that my office is in good standing?

    To ensure your office is in good standing, ensure all office members pay their invoices on time, including new subscriptions, renewals, fines, and reinstatement fees. If a member is suspended for non-payment, the invoice responsibility will automatically transfer to you as the broker. Additionally, keep your own account in good standing by meeting all MLS education requirements and paying any outstanding invoices. 

  • Can I pay an invoice on behalf of one of my agents?

    For a full tutorial on how to pay an invoice on behalf of one of your agents, click here

  • Where can I view the latest information on suspended members and those at risk of suspension in my office?

    You can view the latest information on suspended members and those at risk of suspension by visiting the Stellar MLS Broker Portal

    To view members of your office who are currently suspended click the “Suspended Members” icon on the Broker Portal homepage.

    To view members of your office who are at risk of MLS suspension click the “Upcoming Member Suspension” icon on the Broker Portal homepage.

    To view an upcoming Office projected suspension date and see the suspensions in your office contributing to office suspension, click the "Office Suspension Monitor" icon on the Broker Portal Homepage.

  • Will my office’s suspension status be communicated to me?

    Yes. You will receive the following emails regarding your office’s suspension status: 

    • Weekly emails informing you of upcoming member suspensions in the next 15 days. 
    • Daily emails informing you of members that will be suspended tomorrow.
    • Weekly emails informing you when your office will be suspended from MLS access and how to resolve outstanding issues.
  • What happens if I do not resolve outstanding invoices and unmet education requirements in my office?

    If you do not resolve outstanding invoices and unmet education requirements in your office, all office members will lose add/edit listing access after 35 days of the initial issue in the office. A week later, if the issues are still unresolved, the entire office will be fully suspended from MLS access. Suspensions occur on Wednesdays, and all issues must be resolved to restore access. 

  • How can I deactivate an agent from my office?

    For Florida Offices: If an agent in your office does not plan to renew their Stellar MLS subscription: 

    • Log into your DBPR Portal to deactivate the agent from your office.
    • Click on your ‘Office Record’ and then ‘Maintain Relationships’.
    • Once the agent is deactivated from DBPR you must follow the policy of the agent’s primary Realtor Board/Association to deactivate their Realtor membership.

    Stellar MLS receives its data from REALTOR Board/Associations, all of the above steps must be completed for an agent’s record and invoice to be removed from your office. 

    For Puerto Rico Offices: If an agent in your office does not plan to renew their Stellar MLS subscription:

    • Inactivate the agent with the Department of State.
    • Contact the Puerto Rico Association of Realtors (PRAR) to deactivate.

    For Thompson Offices: If an agent in your office does not plan to renew their Stellar MLS subscription:

    • Log into your DBPR Portal to deactivate the agent from your office.
    • Click on your ‘Office Record’ and then ‘Maintain Relationships’.

  • I have additional questions and concerns, who should I contact for further assistance?

    For questions or concerns regarding your office standing, please contact us at or 800-686-7451. 

Listing Distribution

Your listings are your most important asset. That's why Stellar MLS not only protects your listings but enables brokers to send them exactly where they want, whether that's to their own websites or third-party portals.

No matter how you want to manage your listings, Stellar MLS is here to help you get the exposure you and your sellers prefer!

Explore Listing Distribution Options

Looking to Display Listings on Your Website?

It's entirely possible through Stellar MLS's Internet Data Exchange (IDX). IDX gives brokers the ability to display listings from Matrix on their company websites.

Stellar MLS is a leader in data management and quality, and we adhere to all industry standards so that it's easy to deal with your data on your website or back-office systems. From Platinum-level RESO compliant data feeds to precise syndication options, brokers will always be able to manage their listings with confidence.

Your agents can also leverage easy-to-implement IDX data feeds to power their own sites with listings from Stellar MLS.

Explore Data Delivery Options

DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act)

Copyright infringement is not an uncommon issue, especially when it comes to MLS listing photos. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) provides a “Safe Harbor” to online service providers that shields them from copyright liability for the display of infringing content loaded by another brokerage.

Stellar MLS' Broker Toolkit on DMCA Protections

NAR® Policy 8.0 Clear Cooperation

NAR® policy, Clear Cooperation 8.0, has been approved by the National Association of Realtors® and is in effect for all Stellar MLS customers. The Stellar MLS rules state that you have five business days to enter a listing into Matrix or file a Temporary Exclusion or Office Exclusive form. The Clear Cooperation policy will be triggered should public marketing occur during this 5-day window, and you must enter the listing into the MLS system within one business day.

Everything to Know About 8.0

Broker Visits: Request an In-Office Training

Please fill out the below form to request a Stellar MLS Representative to visit your office!

You're Invited to Join The Broker Inside Circle
Stellar Broker Insider Circle Facebook Group

The Stellar Broker Insider Circle was created as a platform where we can post tips and ideas on how to maximize Stellar MLS products for your office, share upcoming initiatives, and most importantly, provide a forum where you, and your fellow brokers, can participate in relevant dialogue, share ideas and offer feedback.

Join Today!

We Are Here to Help!

Chris Lumia
Chris Lumia
Business Development Manager
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