Reciprocal Listings

What is a Reciprocal Listing?

Stellar MLS allows those who are not Stellar MLS customers, but who are members of participating REALTOR® associations and boards* to enter listings into our MLS database for a fee. This is called a Reciprocal Listing.

View Participating Boards

*If you do not participate in one of the associations or boards above, we will need an email authorization from the Association Executive of your board authorizing you to reciprocate with us.

How to Submit a Reciprocal Listing to Stellar MLS

Gather Required Documents

There are several required documents you will need for your application, including a letter of good standing, a completed listing entry form, listing photos, and public remarks.

Submit Your Application

Submit your Reciprocal Listing Request application with the required documents. Applications are processed in order of receipt, and can take up to 48 business hours.

Make Your Payment

After submitting your application, you will receive an email with payment instructions. After your payment has been processed, your listing will be activated in Stellar MLS.

Updates to Reciprocal Listings

In conformance with the settlement agreement reached by the National Association of Realtors (NAR), Stellar MLS is required to adopt and enforce a new set of rules, including removing any mentions of compensation/commission within the Stellar MLS system.

Removal of Compensation

August 6, 2024, Stellar MLS will remove compensation fields from listing search criteria, including Saved Searched and Auto Emails.

Updates to Reciprocal Listings

Starting on August 6, reciprocal listing applications must not include any mention of compensation or commission. This includes listing photos and public remarks.

Violations for Mentions of Compensation

Listings mentioning compensation or commission are prohibited from being entered into the MLS. Any such comments will be removed before entry.

Required Documents

Review the sections below for more information on the documents that are required in your Stellar MLS Reciprocal Listing Application.

Letter of Good Standing

Obtain and submit a Letter of Good Standing signed by your association or board.

Listing Entry Form

Submit a typed-out, digital copy (handwritten forms not accepted) of a completed Stellar MLS Listing Entry Form for the type of property you are listing (example Residential, Rental, Vacant Land etc.) 

Important Note:
To ensure that your changes are saved, please download and save each form to your device before making any edits. Then, fill out, save and upload the finished form. 


Submit at least one front exterior photo. Our system allows up to 100 property photos with a recommended size is 1024 x 768. Photos must be submitted in .jpg format or a .zip file.

Public Remarks

Please submit your typed Public Remarks, Realtor Remarks, and turn-by-turn driving directions from a common point in the area to the address (no reference to “GPS”). We will copy and paste your verbiage into the listing fields. Please note that since you are not a Stellar MLS customer, neither your contact information nor your Brokerage’s will appear in the Realtor Remarks information fields. Please provide your preferred contact information (email and phone numbers), and we will add it to the Realtor Only Remarks.

Critical Information

Please follow the notes below to ensure that your application is processed as quickly as possible.

Payment Information
  • The fee to enter a reciprocal listing in Stellar MLS is $125 per listing. Once you have submitted all the required documents and listing information, you will receive an email with payment instructions to make a secure online payment. After your payment has been processed, your listing will be activated in Stellar MLS, and you will receive an email with a copy of your listing information.
  • Please note, we process reciprocal listings in the order of receipt of all the complete information and can take up to 48 business hrs. for a follow-up. To help expedite the process, please obtain all the required information before submission.
Listing Form Notes
  • Data entry forms must be completed including, all Yes or No fields, fields marked with asterisks (this indicates a required field), garage space(s)/attached/detached, and all required seller(s), agent, and broker signatures.
  • On pg.7, Rooms information and dimensions must be completed according to the rules provided (Kitchen, Great Room, Living Room, and Master Bedroom are required).
  • On pg. 10, If you indicate a mandatory HOA or Condo Fee, all fields in the Community section must be completed.
  • On pg. 11, all fields in the Leasing Information section must be completed if you answered “YES” to the question “Can property be leased.”
General Notes
  • If you want your listing to be distributed to Zillow,, or other Internet or IDX sites, you must also enter your listing in your local MLS since reciprocal listings are NOT syndicated.
  • Supra Electronic Lockboxes are managed by your local association/board, not by Stellar MLS.
  • The ShowingTime tool is not available for reciprocal listings.

Rules & Regulations

Reciprocal Listing Request Application

Need Help?

If you have any questions about the reciprocal listing application process, please contact us by email at:

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