Stellar Central: The Next Level

✔ Launching Soon: Included with your Stellar MLS subscription.

Powering Productivity: View Your Listings Right From Stellar Central!

Power Up Your Productivity: Stellar Central is Designed For You!

Stellar Central's dashboard enhancement will allow you to view the data that matters most to you in one convenient location! View your listings and access the products that fuel your business from the ease of your dashboard homepage. Find all of your Stellar MLS products and services in one efficient workspace and use them to list, search, showcase properties, access market data, connect with customers and more!

What to Expect: Your Launch Day Checklist

Account Setup

When signing into Stellar MLS's enhanced dashboard for the first time you will be prompted to setup your account.

Password Requirements

You will be required to set a new password for your Stellar MLS account, click here to learn more about our password requirements.

Setting Up MFA

After setting your new password you will be prompted to create your multi-factor authentication (MFA) methods!


You will be asked to authenticate your Stellar MLS account with a one-time code upon your first log in.

Register for Stellar MLS Training!

Experience the all-new Stellar Central Dashboard and streamlined login process like never before! We're rolling out two weeks of exclusive training just for you—our valued customers!

  • Week One: Be the first to explore what’s coming! Discover exciting changes to, your Single Sign-On (SSO) experience, and the enhanced Stellar Central.
  • Week Two: Register and follow along with our Stellar MLS trainers during our in-depth training experience through the new, innovative, and intuitive Stellar Central Dashboard and login experience!

Let’s make your transition seamless and exciting, register for your preferred dates and times below!

Securing What Matters Most: You

At Stellar MLS we are committed to providing you the most accurate and pristine data. Part of that commitment comes with ensuring your data is secured with the most advanced technologies. Your security is our top priority and by introducing Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), an industry standard security measure, we're protecting and strengthening your account from unauthorized access. By requiring multiple forms of verification, MFA adds an extra layer of defense, so your account stays secure no matter what!

What's New

Multi-Factor Authentication

Keep your account secure and prevent unauthorized logins with multi-factor authentication (MFA). 

View Listings on Your Dashboard

Stellar Central's dashboard update allows you to view your listings directly from your homepage.

The Tools You Need, Right Where You Need Them

Access all of Stellar MLS's powerful product suite from the ease of one simple dashboard.

End-User License Agreement (EULA) and Terms of Use (TOU)

Preview your updated EULA by clicking the buttons below! Please note that no action is needed from you at this time, you will be prompted to sign an updated EULA and your new TOU when logging into the enhanced Stellar Central Dashboard on January 28, 2025.

In Case You Missed It!

Review Stellar MLS's past communications by clicking the buttons below!

Enhanced Stellar Central: Launching Soon Reminder Stellar Central: Launching Soon

Updated End-User License Agreement (EULA) and Terms of Use

Upon logging into the enhanced Stellar Central for the first time you will be prompted to sign your respective Agent and Broker EULA. To preview the updated EULA and Terms of Use click the buttons below!

Video Tutorials

Frequently Asked Questions


  • What are the requirements for my password?

    Stellar MLS's updated password requirements are: 

    • Cannot be the same as any personal information we have on file: Do not use your name or email. Instead, try something unique and memorable.
    • Avoid common passwords: The password will be checked against a list of commonly used passwords.
    • Length requirement: Passwords must be between 8 and 255 characters.
    • Special characters: Must include at least 1 special character (e.g., ~!@#$%^&*()-_=+[]{}|;:,.<>/?).
    • Numerical characters: Must include at least 1 number (0-9).
    • Uppercase letters: Must include at least 1 uppercase letter (A-Z).
    • Lowercase letters: Must include at least 1 lowercase letter (a-z).
    • Password history limit: Up to 2 prior passwords are saved and cannot be reused for 365 days.
  • How can I find what my Stellar MLS ID is?

    There is a link to look up your Stellar MLS ID on the Stellar MLS portal log-in screen. If you are unable to find your ID number through that link, please call the Stellar MLS Support Center at 407-960-5300.

  • How can I find what authentication methods I have on file?

    Please call our Support Center at 407-960-5300.

  • What is an authenticator app?

    An authenticator app helps secure your access to Stellar MLS systems by confirming your identity. It adds an extra layer of protection, ensuring that only you can log into your account, even if someone else knows your password.

  • I am locked out of my account. How can I log back in?

    Please call our Support Center at 407-960-5300.

  • What if I do not have access to any of my saved authentication methods? How do I log in?

    You can call the Stellar MLS Support Center at 407-960-5300. A Stellar MLS Staff member will have to securely verify your identity to troubleshoot your MFA request.

  • What if I am not receiving any of my codes to authenticate?

    If you are not receiving your codes to authenticate your account please contact the Stellar MLS support team at:  407-960-5300.

  • I have more than one Stellar MLS account, how do I log in?

    Please watch out comprehensive tutorial here

Stellar Central Dashboard

  • How do I save a product to my favorites?

    You can save a product to your favorite two ways:

    • Click Products & Services, then select Toolkit, and begin adding your products to Favorites. 
    • Once already on your favorites bar, select the pencil icon, then click the plus sign (+) under the favorites section. From here, you can select the box next to all the products you wish to favorite and hit save!
  • How do I find my favorites?

    Your favorites are on the left side of your screen. If you do not recognize the product's logo, hover over the icon to view the product name. 

  • How do I change the order of my favorites ?

    You can change the order of your product favorites on the left navigation. Under your most recent favorite, select the pencil icon. Using your mouse, grab the three-line icon and drag the product to where you would like the product to be in your favorite list. 

  • Where will I find my Profile and Membership Information?

    You can find your Profile and Membership information under your name by clicking the downward arrow and selecting "My Account".

  • Where will I find my Billing and Payment History?

    You can find your Profile and Membership information under your name by clicking the downward arrow and selecting "My Billing".

  • Where are Stellar MLS's business hours?

    Our business hours can be found in the top header under the question-mark icon.

  • Where can I find the End User License Agreement (EULA)?

    Your EULA can be found under the question-mark icon. 

  • What is Stellar MLS's contact information?

    Stellar MLS's contact information can be found under the question-mark icon

  • Where can I find the Terms Of Use (TOU)?

    Your TOU can be found under the question-mark icon.

End-User License Agreement

  • What is EULA?

    EULA stands for End-User License Agreement which is a legal agreement granting a user a license to use an application or software.

  • Why do some EULAs have Option 1 and an Option 2 choice and others don’t?

    Customers with these options are the Head Broker/Participant of the office and therefore will need to select an option that best suits them. If you are not the Head Broker/Participant, you will not see these options, you will just have to sign your name.

  • What are the differences between Option 1 and Option 2?

    Option 1: Choosing this option means Stellar MLS is responsible for copyright matters related to your firm’s listing data.

    Option 2: Choosing this option means Stellar MLS is not responsible for copyright matters related to your firm’s listing data.

  • Is there an option to view/download EULA in Spanish?

    Yes, there is a toggle switch at the top where you can choose your preferred language for viewing/downloading EULA.

  • Do I have to sign the EULA before use of Stellar products?

    Yes, the EULA must be signed before you can proceed to the Stellar Central Workspace to access any products. There is no way to bypass it. If you close the EULA, you will automatically be signed out of Stellar Central and will be prompted to sign the EULA again on your next login attempt.

  • Why am I getting an error message when signing the EULA?

    You must sign your name exactly as shown. The system is case sensitive and there should not be any extra spaces between or after the last character of your last name.

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