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In order to upgrade your experience, the Stellar MLS system, including Stellar Central, Matrix, and other products and services, will be temporarily unavailable from 5:00 p.m. ET on Monday, January 27, 2025, until 10:00 a.m. ET on Tuesday, January 28, 2025.

Clear Cooperation Policy 8.0

What is Clear Cooperation Policy 8.0?

Policy 8.0 was created by National Association of Realtors® to protect cooperation and compensation among brokerages. Download our Quick 8.0 Guide for fast reference on the policy and what it means for you.

NAR® Policy 8.0 States:

Within one (1) business day of marketing a property to the public, the listing broker must submit the listing to the MLS for cooperation with other MLS participants. Public marketing includes, but is not limited to, flyers displayed in windows, yard signs, digital marketing on public facing websites, brokerage website displays (including IDX and VOW), digital communications marketing (email blasts), multi-brokerage listing sharing networks, and applications available to the general public. (Adopted 11/19)

Stellar's Response to Policy 8.0

By establishing a national policy, NAR® makes it mandatory that all REALTOR® Association MLSs adopt the policy and have the same consistent standard. In response to this, Stellar MLS has updated our Exempt Listing Rule and created two new exclusion forms to comply with the policy.

Stellar's Exempt Listing Rule Highlights

Read the full rule here

If the owner(s) of record refuses to permit the listing to be disseminated by Stellar MLS, the Participant must upload either the Owner’s Authorization for Temporary Exclusion or the Office Exclusive form through the Stellar online submission system.

The Owner’s Exclusion of MLS Entry form or the Office Exclusive form must be submitted within five business days, excluding weekends or federally recognized holidays, upon the latter of a) the dated signature of the owner(s) of record or b) the beginning date on the Listing Agreement.

Should any public marketing of a listing occur during the allowed five‐day submission period, or at any time while the listing is on file as an Owner’s Exclusion from the MLS or an Office Exclusive, the listing broker must submit the listing to the MLS for cooperation with other MLS participants.

The Exclusion Forms

Owner(s) Authorization to Temporarily Exclude Listing from the MLS Form

Use this form to provide notice to the MLS if the listing will be excluded from the MLS beyond the allowed five days.

Download Temporary Exclusion Form

Office Exclusive - No Entry Into the MLS Form

This form notifies Stellar MLS that the property owner has instructed the brokerage to withhold their listing from the MLS and instead handle the sale of the property exclusively within the listing brokerage.

Download Office Exclusive Form

How to Submit an Exclusion Form

Submit your exclusions forms through the Stellar Portal. 

Instructions on Submitting an Exclusion Form

How to Report a Violation

Use the "Report a Violation" Icon on your Stellar Portal

Since Stellar MLS can’t see every instance of rogue public marketing, we rely on you to let us know when other agents are violating the rules. Use your Stellar Portal to search for exclusion forms on file and to report violations when appropriate. Don't forget to snap a photo of the violation to be used as evidence in your report!

How to Report a Violation Instructions

Remember While Reporting:

Clear Cooperation Violators Have One Business Day

The Clear Cooperation rule states that the listing broker must submit the listing to the MLS within one business day of marketing a property to the public. If you see public marketing, it could be that this agent will put this listing in the MLS within one business day, and it will not violate the rules. Remember, one business day does not include the weekends, so if a property is marketed on a Friday, as long as it’s in the MLS by Monday, the rules have not been violated.

When you see a violation, report it ASAP! We start the one business day clock as soon as we get your report, so the longer you wait, the longer the violator has!

Stellar MLS does NOT alert violators when they have been reported. Keep in mind, that if you talk to the agent who has violated the rule before reporting them, they will still have one business day from when they are reported to put their property in the MLS.

For quick reference, download and refer to our One Business Day flyer:

Download One Business Day Flyer

Optional Listing Types

Certain types of listings have the option to be excluded from the MLS, however, if a broker/agent chooses to input one of these optional listing types into the MLS, all MLS compliance rules and regulations are in effect. Examples include:

Brokers/Agents Who Are Selling Their Personal Properties

Properties personally owned by individual Participants or Subscribers where the owner is the listing agent are optional. This does not apply to properties owned by a business entity.


Brokers/agents do not have to input rental properties into the MLS. Still, if you input a rental property into the MLS, all Stellar rules & regulations are in effect.

New Construction

Brokers/agents do not have to input new construction properties into the MLS. Still, if you input a new construction property into the MLS, all Stellar rules & regulations are in effect.

Commercial Sale and Commercial Lease

Brokers/agents do not have to input commercial sale/lease properties into the MLS. Still, if you input a commercial property into the MLS, all Stellar rules & regulations are in effect.

Review the optional listing type rule: Stellar MLS Article 5.3: Optional Listing Types.

Quick Guide: Triggers for Policy 8.0

Quick Guide: Triggers for Policy 8.0

Quick Guide: What Counts as Public Marketing?

Policy 8.0 states that a property must be listed in the MLS within one business day of marketing a property to the public.

Public marketing includes, but is not limited to:

Marketing examples

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why was this policy approved?

    Brokers and MLSs from across the country asked NAR to consider policy that will reinforce the consumer benefits of cooperation. The MLS creates an efficient marketplace and reinforces the pro-competitive, pro-consumer benefits that REALTORS® have long sought to support. After months of discussion and consideration within NAR’s MLS Technology and Emerging Issues Advisory Board, this proposal was brought forth for the industry to discuss and consider, then approved by NAR's Board of Directors.

  • Who made the decision that this policy was needed?

    NAR’s MLS Technology and Emerging Issues Advisory Board is made up of brokers and MLS executives from across the country. Two dozen volunteers review industry concerns from a wide range of business and regional viewpoints. Potential policy changes are discussed within the group to create a positive impact on the industry and to address broker needs within the marketplace. The policy was strongly supported by the NAR MLS Committee and the NAR Board of Directors.

  • Do ALL REALTOR® Association MLSs have to adopt the MLS Clear Cooperation Policy?

    Yes. By establishing a national policy, it is mandatory that all REALTOR® Association MLSs adopt the policy and have the same consistent standard.

  • What exclusive listings and property types are applicable under the new MLS Statement 8.0?

    The obligations of Statement 8.0 were specifically adopted to address concerns with residential “for sale” exclusive listing contracts required to be filed with the service. Based on the Advisory Board’s discussions that did not include commercial properties, rental properties, and new construction developments with multiple properties (single family homes, condos, etc.) Those property types, and other exclusive listings that require mandatory submission, can be included in the application of Statement 8.0 at local discretion.

  • Can a seller or the listing broker “opt out” of the policy’s obligations?

    No. The new policy does not include an “opt out.” Any listing that is “publicly marketed” must be filed with the service and provided to other MLS Participants for cooperation within (1) one business day.

  • Does Policy Statement 8.0 prohibit office exclusives?

    No. "Office exclusive" listings are an important option for sellers concerned about privacy and wide exposure of their property being for sale. In an office exclusive listing, direct promotion of the listing between the brokers and licensees affiliated with the listing brokerage, and one-to-one promotion between these licensees and their clients, is not considered public advertising.

    Common examples include divorce situations and celebrity clients. It allows the listing broker to market a property among the brokers and licensees affiliated with the listing brokerage. If office exclusive listings are displayed or advertised to the general public, however, those listings must also be submitted to the MLS for cooperation.

  • Does Policy Statement 8.0 require listings to be submitted to the MLS if they are advertised to a select group of brokers outside the listing broker's office?

    Yes. "Private listing networks" that include more brokers or licensees than those affiliated with the listing brokerage constitute public advertising or display pursuant to Policy Statement 8.0. Listings shared in multi-brokerage networks by participants must be submitted to the MLS for cooperation.

  • Does Policy Statement 8.0 apply to non-active listings?

    Yes. Policy Statement 8.0 applies to any listing that is or will be available for cooperation. Pursuant to Policy Statement 8.0, "coming soon" listings displayed or advertised to the public by a listing broker must be submitted to the MLS for cooperation with other participants.

  • Does Policy Statement 8.0 apply if there is no listing agreement on file?

    MLS compliance, including NAR® policy 8.0,  is activated once a listing agreement is signed by all required parties. For scenarios in which no listing agreement is in place, Stellar MLS recommends that you consult with your broker and/or reach out to the Florida Realtors Legal Hotline for information if you suspect/or have concerns about a FREC/Code of Ethics violation.

  • Does Policy Statement 8.0 require a broker to turn in every listing to the MLS within 24 hours of signing the listing?

    No. Stellar MLS requires that a broker submit a listing within 5 business days of a signed listing agreement. If a listing is taken and is not yet ready to be marketed/shown, an Owners Exclusion Form must be filed. If a listing is marketed to the public, however, Policy Statement 8.0’s one business day turn-in timeline goes into effect.

  • What is the meaning of “business day?”

    Business days exclude Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. For consistency among all REALTOR® Association MLSs, the approved timeframe is 1 business day.; “holidays” include all recognized federal and state holidays.

  • Is the new policy consistent with Article 3 of the NAR Code of Ethics?

    Yes. By joining the MLS, Participants agree to be bound by the MLS Rules and Regulations. Per the policy’s rationale, the public marketing of a listing indicates that the MLS participant has concluded that cooperation with other MLS participants is in their client’s best interests.

  • How does 8.0 apply to brokers/agents who are selling their personal properties?

    Properties personally owned by individual Participants or Subscribers where the owner is the listing agent are optional.  This does not apply to properties owned by a business entity.

  • Can I advertise a property on third party websites?

    The MLS exists to facilitate cooperation and compensation. If you choose to advertise a property without a listing agreement on third party websites your compensation and/or broker participation is not guaranteed.

  • What if a bank or other 3rd party instructs me to put a sign up in order to stay in compliance with their requirements, am I violating Clear Cooperation?

    Neither a seller nor bank, or any other 3rd party can direct an agent to break the MLS rules that all Participants and Subscribers must abide.

    If there is a question for verification purposes, you may send the banks or 3rd parties the MLS rules, and they will adjust their requirements as needed. Banks are also being made aware of the Clear Cooperation policy from NAR.

  • If an interested buyer comes to me as an agent during the exclusion period, can i show the property to them?

    Yes, however showing the property while on a Temporary Exclusion would be considered public marketing and a Clear Cooperation “trigger” to enter the listing into the MLS within 1 business day.

    The showing would not trigger the property to be entered into the MLS if the listing were an Office Exclusive, shown only to an internal client of the firm.

  • Can I market my excluded listing on Social Media?

    For properties that have exclusion forms filed with the MLS (Temporary or Office Exclusive), all forms of social media marketing during the exclusion time period violate the 8.0 policy.

  • What if I have a commission agreement?

    A commission agreement does not provide permission to market the property.

  • Will Stellar MLS implement a coming soon status?

    The Stellar MLS Board of Directors is currently exploring the feasibility and options for having a coming soon status.

  • What fines will I be subject to for violating Policy 8.0?

    Per Stellar MLS Rules and Regulations, violating Policy 8.0 is considered a level 3, severe fine. The level 3, severe fine structure is as follows:

    1. 1st Offense: $500
    2. 2nd Offense: $2,500
    3. Further offenses for same violation will result in a mandatory hearing before a board hearing panel with allowable maximum monetary penalty of up to $15,000, possible suspension/termination of MLS privileges and services and other provisions in accordance with MLS Rules and Regulations Article 11.

    For more information on the Stellar MLS fine structure, view Article 11.4 here.

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