MLS Match


✔ Included with your Stellar MLS subscription

Revolutionizing Referrals,

Empowering Professionals.

MLS Match is not just a referral network; it's the driving force behind a new era in real estate connections. Imagine a platform where the world's leading MLS organizations unite to create a space exclusively for professionals—no clutter, no noise, just purposeful connections. Backed by cutting-edge technology, and powered by the expertise of Immobel, the brains behind the world's most significant referral networks, MLS Match is the intersection where innovation meets opportunity.

Insider Training

During this webinar, you will:

  • Discover how MLS Match connects you with serious buyers and sellers across the US and beyond.
  • Learn how to leverage MLS Match to build a robust pipeline of qualified leads.
  • Unlock the secrets to securing referrals from a vast network of trusted professionals.

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Top Features of MLS Match

New Lead Sources

Connect with real estate professionals in any market to refer prospects seamlessly, or capture leads relocating to your area.

A Global Professional Network

Grow your professional network and gain access to new markets, allowing you to better serve your customers.

Easy Referral Management

MLS Match handles the entire referral process from

start to finish – finding agents, tracking progress, and processing payments – all within the platform.

Safe and Secure Transactions

Rest assured that your referrals are handled

securely and efficiently, with built-in safeguards and streamlined processes.

Transparent Communication

Easily track referral progress, communicate with agents

in other markets, and manage referral fees with built-in tools.

Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

  • What is MLS Match?

    MLS Match is a specialized, private referral network and platform designed to connect real estate agents and offices across different market

    areas to exchange leads and referrals.

  • How does MLS Match work, and what are the benefits?
    • Connecting Professionals Across Markets: A client or lead with needs outside your market doesn’t have to be a missed connection – anyreal estate professional can use MLS Match to connect with colleagues in the target market or catch leads that are moving into their primary market area.
    • A Closed-Loop System: The “closed-loop” system in MLS Match means the entire referral process, from initially finding a colleague in the desired market to the final steps of tracking and processing payments, is handled within the platform with efficiency and transparency.
    • Ease of Tracking and Communication: Since all processes take place within the platform, it becomes easier for agents to track the progress of their referrals, communicate with their counterparts in different markets, and manage the financial aspects of the referral arrangement.
    • Enhanced Professional Network: By participating in MLS Match, real estate professionals expand their network, allowing them to serve their customers better and tap into new markets.
    • Secure and Efficient Transactions: The platform is designed for security and efficiency in transactions, making it an indispensable tool for managing the intricacies of real estate referrals.

    MLS Match serves as a bridge between real estate professionals in various locations, enhancing the scope and efficiency of their services through a well-structured, secure, and user-friendly platform.

  • Do I have to pay for MLS Match?

    No, you do not have to pay to join! You have access to MLS Match through your MLS. That means you can create, send, accept, and start working on referrals today – at no additional cost. Upon completion of a successful referral, you will pay your referral partner the agreed referral fee, but you do not incur any costs to use the platform, and you do not need to pay fees to the platform provider upon completion of a successful referral. There are optional upgraded available that you can choose to buy to enhance your profile, available from the MLS Match. The enhancements are not required to use the platform, but they can increase your chances of receiving successful referrals by giving you a leg up on your competition and improving the visibility of your profile.

    Premiere: Get maximum visibility and climb to the top of search results.

    Referral Leader: Get early access to the hottest leads in your market.

  • How can I participate in MLS Match?

    You have access to MLS Match through Stellar MLS. In fact, you already have a basic profile ready in MLS Match using your roster data – log in directly from your Stellar MLS dashboard, click the MLS Match tile, and get started personalizing and updating your profile.

    If you cannot log in but you believe you should have access, please reach out to

  • I can’t log in. Why?

    You will need to login directly from your Stellar MLS dashboard. If this is not working, please reach out to providing your full name, MLS user ID, and the email address that you use to log in to your Stellar MLS dashboard.

  • What is the Professional Directory?

    The Professional Directory is your address book for all agents and offices participating in MLS Match. You can search for profiles by various filters such as location, specializations, skills such as languages spoken, and more. The Professional Directory also allows you to click on agent or office profiles to find more info, add profiles to your curated list of Favorites, and add notes to specific profiles. Profiles that you have marked as “Favorite” will save in the “Favorite Professionals” tab in the Professional Directory. They will also appear higher up in your search results. If you add a note to a profile, this note is private to you. You can access it on the tab “Profiles with notes” in the Professional Directory.

  • I’ve been asked to provide my “preferred notification email.” What does this mean?

    MLS Match sends out email notifications in addition to in-platform notifications to keep all agents up to date in real-time about referral activity. If the platform does not have a preferred notification email address for you, you will be prompted to update your email address and your preferred contact details. This ensures that you will receive all email notifications that are relevant to your market, your referrals, and any new opportunities.

  • Can I link my social media accounts to my profile page?

    Yes! Social media accounts can be added while editing your profile.

    Currently, you can add these social accounts: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Reddit, Websteppe

  • Where and when will other agents see my profile page?

    All active agents and brokers in MLS Match have a visible profile page that is searchable by other agents. Agents can find each other in the Professional Directory and when choosing a referral partner in the referral creation form.

  • What is the chat feature?

    All profiles have the ability send messages using the chat feature integrated into the platform. You can send a message at any stage in a referral. For example, on an inbound referral to your market, you could message the sending side about the opportunity to ask questions or provide more information about why you would be a good partner on this referral. You can also send messages when the referral is active.

    Messages are stored with active referrals for your reference, making it easier to keep track of all related communications in one place.

  • I am an agent. What can I do?

    “Agent” is one of two profile types within MLS Match (the other is “Relocation Director”). The data that MLS Match receives from your MLS determines your status as “Agent.”

    As an agent you can create, manage, and apply for referrals, and view the status of both your inbound and outbound referrals.

    All agents are attached to an office, and your office location and service area dictate which referrals you are eligible to apply for. Your office must serve the referral destination market to make you eligible to apply for an inbound referral. All offices have at least one Relocation Director, typically your broker. Once a referral has successfully closed, your Relocation Director will handle the referral fee payment steps within the platform. You will be kept up to date with this progression, but you will not be able to take those steps yourself.

  • I am a Relocation Director. What do I need to do when I log in for the first time?

    As a Relocation Director, you are responsible for managing your office profile page. The first time you log in, you should check and update your

    office profile page accordingly. MLS Match strongly suggests providing an office profile picture or logo, as well as updating the relevant sections with information about what your office, business, and/or agents bring to the table for referral opportunities. Make sure there is a working email address on the profile so you can receive notifications from MLS Match. These notifications will keep you up to date with all activities and opportunities.

    To provide an email address, or check to see if you have provided one,

    • Click on your name
    • Click Settings
    • Confirm or enter your Preferred Email Address in the provided field
    • Click Add or your changes will not be saved!

    As a Relocation Director, you will also need to keep up to date with your agents’ referrals, especially when it comes to the payment stages. It is up to the Relocation Director to manage the referral fee transfer and/or receipt. Relocation Directors also function as “Agents” in MLS Match, which means you will also be notified of inbound referral opportunities that you are eligible to work on directly.

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Get Started

To access MLS Match, log in to Stellar Central®. Underneath the Products & Services tab, click the "Stellar Products" tab underneath it. Here you will find the MLS Match icon. Click the "Access this tool" button.

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